
Samora Pinderhughes

On Living

On View

On ViewPerformance

Essex Hemphill, Larry Duckette

Brother to Brother: Words from the Heart

On File

A photographic detail of an audio speaker.

Martita Abril, Jonathan González, and Anh Vo

Dance and Process

On View

DanceOn ViewPerformance

Felix Bernstein and Gabe Rubin


On View

On ScreenOn ViewPerformance

Autumn Knight

Autumn Knight

On View

On ViewPerformance
A blurry image shows several people standing close together bathed in red light.

Lauren Bakst

after summer, or not in the kitchen (the bed, the bathroom, the dance floor and other spaces)

On View

On ViewPerformance

In Conversation with Annie-B Parson

On Mind

Postcard, Antoni Muntadas The Last Ten Minutes, 1976.

Antoni Muntadas

On Mind


Cecilia Sandoval, Charlotte Warren, Mary Lucier, Shigeko Kubota

White, Black, Red & Yellow

On File


Esther Sibiude

The Song of Dirt Stammers Our Tongue

On View

On ViewPerformance

Samora Pinderhughes


On View

MusicOn ViewPerformance

Nan Goldin and Lydia Lunch at The Kitchen

On Mind


Brian O’Doherty

Undoing Language: Early Performance Works by Brian O’Doherty

On View

On ViewPerformance

E. Jane

Where there's love overflowing

On View

On ViewPerformance

Sara Magenheimer

I Collect Neglected Venoms

On File


Christopher Knowles

A Typing Work Show / A Solo Piece

On File


Michael Snow, Gordon Rayner, Robert Markle, Nobuo Kubota, Jimmy Jones, Gerald McAdam, Terry Forester, Graham Coughtry

Hearing Aid

On File

Five dancers in grey unitards appear in a staggered line, each holding the same pose: right foot extended back on a diagonal, arms outstretched at an angle. The dancers are on grass in a park, with a row of tall grass behind them. Audience members stand and watch in the background.

Beau Bree Rhee

Shadow of the Sea

On View

On ViewPerformance

Fia Backström

The Last of US — that safe spot in the dot above I in the word life

On View

On ViewPerformance
Still from Autumn Knight, Performance Recording, 2020

Autumn Knight

Residency Project

On Screen

On ScreenPerformanceStreaming Now
In a warehouse space, a figure in a purple suit and wearing a wolf mask faces away from the camera with their arms reaching behind them. To the right, there is a group of mic stands.

Niall Jones

A Work for Others

On View

On ViewPerformance

Laurie Anderson, Robert Ashley, Philip Glass, Meredith Monk, Steve Reich

The Kitchen: Benefit Concert 1978

On File


A Dialogue With Autumn Knight

On Mind


Various Artists

Flux Concert

On File


Marcel Duchamp

On Mind

Starr Busby, GypjaQ Kai, and STEFA* in stefa marin alarcon, Born With An Extra Rib: The Film, May 23, 2021. Production view, The Kitchen at Queenslab. Photo by Maria Baranova.

A Dialogue with stefa marin alarcon

On Mind


David Van Tieghem, Eric Bogosian, Fab 5 Freddy, Glenn Branca, Julia Heyward, Lisa Fox, Oliver Lake

Staten Island Ferry

On File


Samora Pinderhughes

Grief & Process

On View

On ViewPerformance

Moko Fukuyama in Collaboration with Yo! Vinyl Richie

American Recordings

On View

MusicOn ViewPerformance

Intentional Blur: Ralph Lemon at The Kitchen

On Mind

The Kitchen U.S.A. Touring poster, 1982.

David Van Tieghem, Eric Bogosian, Fab 5 Freddy, Glenn Branca, Julia Heyward, Lisa Fox, Oliver Lake

The Kitchen U.S.A. Touring

On File

Martin Borromeo, Alyssa Forte, James Lim, Paulina Meneses, and Resa Mishina in Kenneth Tam, The Crossing, 2020. Rehearsal views at Queenslab. Photographs by Kenneth Tam and Lumi Tan.

Research and References for Kenneth Tam’s The Crossing

On Mind

Claire Chase. Photo by Karen Chester. Courtesy of the artist.

The Making of “Density 2036, part viii"

On Mind


Lorraine O’Grady and Simone Leigh

On Mind

Martin Borromeo, Alyssa Forte, James Lim, Paulina Meneses, and Resa Mishina in Kenneth Tam, The Crossing, 2020. Photo by Paula Court.

A Dialogue with Kenneth Tam

On Mind


Elliott Sharp

Crowds and Power: What Happens When Instruments Find Their Way Into The Wrong Hands

On File

Stanley Love Performance Group performing in Charles Atlas's "The Kitchen Follies" (May 11, 2018).

My Geeky Love for Stanley Love

On Mind


Samora Pinderhughes

Rituals for Abolition

On View

On ViewPerformance

stefa marin alarcon

Born With An Extra Rib: The Film

On View

Film/VideoOn ViewPerformance

Flux Concert

On Mind
