A video still showing a digital rendering of a ocean, horizon line, and sky. A gray pyramid shape floats over this with a rainbow prism emerging from its center. Below that, a negative image of the artist can be seen.
Lawrence Weiner, WITH RELATION TO THE VARIOUS MANNERS OF USE: WITH PINK, VIOLET, SILVER (HAVING BEEN BROUGHT TO PASS), 1976. Detail from contact sheet of installation views at The Kitchen. Photos by Harry Shunk.
A dancer wearing all white in crouching in center of The Kitchen's performance space. A semi-circle of musicans surrounds the dancer. Behind them is a large-scale video projection.
An aerial view of the performance space for Moriah Evans' work Configure. The audience is seated on platforms dispersed around the room. Performers are dispersed among the audience and some are standing on top of the platforms.
Camae Ayewa/Moor Mother, detail from He's Got the Whole World, 2017. Photo by Jason Mandella.
On Screen