Brontez Purnell by Laylah Amatullah Barrayn for The New York Times, 2022.
On ScreenStreaming Now
Lafawndah via the Irish Times, 2019.
Miguel Gutierrez, Age & Beauty Part 1: Mid-Career Artist/Suicide Note or &:-/, photo by Ian Douglas.
On ScreenStreaming Now
Jawole Willa Jo Zollar, Hair Stories, photo by Bette Marshall.
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Sadie Barnette, Fancies, 2022. Powdered graphite and color pencil. Image via Jessica Silverman.
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Still from  Umber Majeed, Excerpts from Trans-Pakistan Zindabad (Long Live Trans-Pakistan), Single-Channel Animation, 21:46, 2019-Ongoing.
On ScreenStreaming NowVideo Viewing Room
Film still from Abbey Williams 'Overture,' 2020.
On ScreenStreaming NowVideo Viewing Room
Two hands hold open a handmade book that has cotton forming a border around an archival B&W image of people working in the cotton fields. In the background, the same archival image is shown.
On ScreenStreaming NowVideo Viewing Room